Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How to set up the "" tool on your blog.

Hello friends (and specifically pastors today),

A few people have asked for how to post my sermons on-line. So here it is...

There are a few steps in the process, but all in all it's virtually free, so if you don't mind a couple steps it's a great way to keep the corps up to date with a series, or just to let your sermons live forever after you preach them.

Here is the website to my free sermon site...

Just click in the top corner to "Join sermon net" and go to "contributor sign-up". After you register you can get all the "free stuff". There is a small cost for the bells and whistles, but I don't need them here yet. Sign up first and they may walk you through better than I can. Since I can't recall here is what I do....

You will also need a way to record your messages. Since we have no "sound" person I do everything myself. I bought a small cheap RCA digital voice recorder that holds about over 15 hours of recording for about $30. I paid another $15ish for a lapel mic. I just put the lapel mic on the same clip as my wireless mic at the corps and remember to turn on the recorder as I start each message.

If I recall right, will give you a basic walk through the process of posting your messages some, but if not, here is what I basically do....

After church I download from the "voice recorder" to my computer. (I know fancy corps record right to digital or a laptop, but we aren't fancy yet)
I use the program with the recorder to save it as a "WAV".

Then I drag that file into a free program you get on the web called "Audacity 1.2.6" here is the link...

Once in Audacity you can listen to the whole sermon and cut (even copy and paste) all the "UM's" or "sneezes" or "added comments yelled by kids in the meeting". If you're brave enough you can skip any editing and just go as is.

When it's ready you save that project as a new "WAV" file.

Next you use the "converter" that comes when you sign up with "sermon net". This will convert your WAV to an MP3.

Then log into - put in the information for your new sermon (all easy and self-explanatory after you're signed up) and then "Upload your converted message" and any written notes (it will automatically change your Word notes into a pdf for you).

Last it will give you an embed code to past where ever you want - like your blog or web page.

Sermon net also has the code to paste into Blogger that will show the "sermon player" I have at the bottom of my blog.

I know it sounds like a lot of work, and I learned everything by trial and error. I'm sure there's some fancy programs that might cut out a step, but this way works. Hopefully your Corps has a tech / sound wizard who can help.

If I've scared you off completely - it's really less work than it sounds. Feel free to write for more specifics or find a local techie to get you started the first time.

PS. If you know an easier faster way or a better system, a tool that helps me skip a step, etc... please give me some tips.

Captain Mark Thielenhaus


  1. Hi Captain Mark,
    Audacity has the capability to save as an MP3, all you need to do is download the lame_enc.dll, which is available for a free download around the web. Once Audacity is linked to the file, you can export direct to MP3, saving you opening another program.

    Cheers for the walk through, have handed it on to the sound guy at my corps.

    Ben Clapton

  2. Thanks for the tip Ben - I'll try it this week. Blessings from Alaska.
