Thursday, December 10, 2009

Homer News Report of Holiday efforts

Here is a story about our local Salvation Army in the paper this week.

Read the whole article here...


Live holy, preach Jesus.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sermon Audio Problems fixed!

Hello soldiers and friends,

Special thanks to Craig for telling me of the audio problem with my last 6 entries. They have all been corrected and should be fine from here on out. Please let me know if there are any further problems, but hopefully the bug is fixed.

You can go back and listen or download them again and they should be fine.

Thanks for listening and remember... we will try to keep my voice as clear as possible, but make sure you can here HIS.

Live holy, preach Jesus!

Sermon audio problems???? Past 5 Sermons & soldier enrollment

Hello to all those who listen to my sermons on-line,

Right now there is an audio problem with my past 5 sermon (and soldier enrollment) audio files, I'm sorry for the problem and hope to have them fixed shortly. If there are any others that aren't working correctly please let me know.

Thanks for listening, and God bless.

Live holy, preach Jesus!

Sunday's Sermon - The Church Leaders who missed Christmas

To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.

For a basic manuscript of this message use download, or sharing options, click the menu button at the right of this square and choose your option.

For past sermons or podcasting options see the full size sermon player at the very bottom of this blog page OR you can always access my sermon player site (and countless other preachers) at

special note... Much of this sermon was from a sermon by Andy Cook of LifeWay - originally published in Proclaim Online. Original sermon & powerpoint at

God bless your study!
Live holy, preach Jesus!