Monday, February 22, 2010

Evangelism challenge for LENT

Here's a challenge for you for the lent season....

You could give up something up for lent (40 days from Ash Wednesday this week and continues until Easter Sunday - April 3rd).

You could give up something like fasting from food or a specific thing like coffee, or chocolate, or you could give up television or face book. Of course there's no brownie points just for giving stuff up for God, unless you are redeeming that time or money to put into bettering His Kingdom. Also, of course, if anything is more important than God in your life - it is idolatry, so make sure everything comes after Him.

How about this year for lent, you commit to share the gospel message with absolutely everyone you know before Easter Sunday.

What if you sent everyone on your facebook friends list an email with the gospel message?

What if you told everyone you work with, every family member, everyone you regularly "bump into" the gospel message?

What if you just were obedient to Jesus command to preach the good news to all creation for the next 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday?

What if you determined in your heart, fully dedicated to your Savior from Hell and sin, that you would take every opportunity to start a spiritual conversation with everyone you met?

How many people would you get to share with in the next 40 days?

Everyone you can think of will die and pass into eternity and they will spend it one of two places, heaven or hell, and heaven is only for those who have repented of their sins and placed their trust in Jesus Christ alone.

If you will step out in faith and do it, I challenge you to shoot me an email or a comment and let me know of some of your encounters or conversations.

How about this year instead of just giving something up - although that may be right to do - how about we actually obey the Lord's instructions to "go and be my witnesses"?

Sounds like a Salvationist goal to me.

Live holy, preach Jesus!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday's sermon - Faith that works

To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.

For a basic manuscript of this message use download, or sharing options, click the menu button at the right of this square and choose your option.

For past sermons or podcasting options see the full size sermon player at the very bottom of this blog page OR you can always access my sermon player site (and countless other preachers) at

God bless your study!
Live holy, preach Jesus!