Hello soldiers, friends, and fellow followers of Jesus Christ,
This is a quick note to let you know that this blog is changing hands. I will now be blogging at a new site.
I hope you will check it out and specifically think of how each of us can better be a verbal witness for our Savior.
Lt. Jeff Josephson and his wife Lt. Michelle Josephson have not only taken over the work of Corps Officers in Homer, but they will also be taking over this blog site as well. My prayer is that you, along with them, will continue to use every means possible to encourage one another in holiness, good works, and the sharing of the gospel message that whoever will repent of their sins and turn to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, will be saved!
Our prayers are with God's Kingdom business from Homer to the uttermost parts of the earth.
I hope we will keep encouraging one another. Keep Lt. Jeff and Michelle in your prayers as they serve in their field in Homer. Remember Capt. Michelle and myself as we take our position as youth leaders for the state in Anchorage.
See you at the other site, and I'll be following the HomerCorps blog.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Captain Mark Thielenhaus
This blog dedicated to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to the Salvation of the World. Items here are for encouragement towards salvation, evangelism, holiness, and opportunities for worship and service here at The Salvation Army in Homer Alaska. If visiting we have Sunday school and bible study at 10am Sunday and Holiness Meeting at 11am Sunday. Any questions about anything else call 907.235.2609.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Homer news article - see link below...
Salvation Army in Homer sees change in leadership this week
By McKibben Jackinsky - Staff writer - Homer News

After eight years in Homer, Capts. Mark and Michelle Thielenhaus of the Salvation Army are headed to other pastures. They left Monday for a new assignment as divisional youth secretaries, with duties to include running camps in Wasilla and other youth work throughout the state.
"It should be a challenge and an adventure. A lot like Homer," a laughing Capt. Mark Thielenhaus told the Homer News.
As they head north to their new assignment, Lts. Jeff and Michelle Josephson and their two teenage sons head to Homer. Recent graduates of the Salvation Army Training College in Rancho Palo Verde, Calif., the Josephsons will pick up where the Thielenhauses leave off. Their schedule had them arriving in Anchorage Tuesday, checked in by the Salvation Army divisional commander Wednesday and released to come to Homer to arrive by Sunday.
"During their two years (at the college), they had a lot of business and Bible (study) and they also have a lot of practical experience doing things you would do at a Salvation Army appointment," Thielenhaus said of the Josephsons, who are officially ordained pastors.
The community will have an opportunity to meet the couple and their sons at the Salvation Army's 11 a.m. service on Sunday.
"One of our divisional commanders, Major Sheryl Tollerud, will officially put the Army stamp of approval that they are the ones here to lead for the town of Homer," said Thielenhaus.
Looking back over his and his wife's years of service in Homer, Thielenhaus summed up what they experienced. When they first arrived, the Salvation Army Thrift Store on Pioneer Avenue was still new. Eight years later, the "store is doing fantastic. It is really what empowers us to stay in this community and serve people, thanks to folks in Homer and their giving," Thielenhaus said.
A 6,370 square foot building also was constructed on the Sterling Highway by North Star Construction during the couple's tenure. The building provides a kitchen, dining area, offices, classrooms, a chapel capable of seating 100 and storage area for stocking food the Salvation Army distributes to those in need.
Thielenhaus praised the volunteers that have supported the Salvation Army's social service program, "and then, of course, all the fantastic relationships with different service groups in town. There are just a lot of fantastic volunteers that give of their time, everything from standing kettles to giving items of food and clothes and all those things. This has just been a fantastic place to live," Thielenhaus said.
One other change in the family's life while living in Homer was the birth of their daughter Crystal, now 7. Their other daughter, Emily, is 11.
"They are excited to be able to live in camp for the summer," Thielenhaus said. "If you must leave the paradise of Homer, I guess we'll settle for a lake in Wasilla."
There is the possibility the couple's new duties will bring them back to Homer on occasion. That's a good thing, but not the most important thing, in Thielenhaus' view.
"We have so many people we consider family at this church and in this town. ... Homer is not too far away for a good visit," he said. "Ultimately, the most important thing of our entire time here is to share the love of Jesus and the message of salvation. That's why we do what we do. ... It's still the same mission of the Army, just a different role for us."
McKibben Jackinsky can be reached at mckibben.jackinsky.@homernews.com.
It has been an honor to serve the Lord and His Salvation Army.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
By McKibben Jackinsky - Staff writer - Homer News
After eight years in Homer, Capts. Mark and Michelle Thielenhaus of the Salvation Army are headed to other pastures. They left Monday for a new assignment as divisional youth secretaries, with duties to include running camps in Wasilla and other youth work throughout the state.
"It should be a challenge and an adventure. A lot like Homer," a laughing Capt. Mark Thielenhaus told the Homer News.
As they head north to their new assignment, Lts. Jeff and Michelle Josephson and their two teenage sons head to Homer. Recent graduates of the Salvation Army Training College in Rancho Palo Verde, Calif., the Josephsons will pick up where the Thielenhauses leave off. Their schedule had them arriving in Anchorage Tuesday, checked in by the Salvation Army divisional commander Wednesday and released to come to Homer to arrive by Sunday.
"During their two years (at the college), they had a lot of business and Bible (study) and they also have a lot of practical experience doing things you would do at a Salvation Army appointment," Thielenhaus said of the Josephsons, who are officially ordained pastors.
The community will have an opportunity to meet the couple and their sons at the Salvation Army's 11 a.m. service on Sunday.
"One of our divisional commanders, Major Sheryl Tollerud, will officially put the Army stamp of approval that they are the ones here to lead for the town of Homer," said Thielenhaus.
Looking back over his and his wife's years of service in Homer, Thielenhaus summed up what they experienced. When they first arrived, the Salvation Army Thrift Store on Pioneer Avenue was still new. Eight years later, the "store is doing fantastic. It is really what empowers us to stay in this community and serve people, thanks to folks in Homer and their giving," Thielenhaus said.
A 6,370 square foot building also was constructed on the Sterling Highway by North Star Construction during the couple's tenure. The building provides a kitchen, dining area, offices, classrooms, a chapel capable of seating 100 and storage area for stocking food the Salvation Army distributes to those in need.
Thielenhaus praised the volunteers that have supported the Salvation Army's social service program, "and then, of course, all the fantastic relationships with different service groups in town. There are just a lot of fantastic volunteers that give of their time, everything from standing kettles to giving items of food and clothes and all those things. This has just been a fantastic place to live," Thielenhaus said.
One other change in the family's life while living in Homer was the birth of their daughter Crystal, now 7. Their other daughter, Emily, is 11.
"They are excited to be able to live in camp for the summer," Thielenhaus said. "If you must leave the paradise of Homer, I guess we'll settle for a lake in Wasilla."
There is the possibility the couple's new duties will bring them back to Homer on occasion. That's a good thing, but not the most important thing, in Thielenhaus' view.
"We have so many people we consider family at this church and in this town. ... Homer is not too far away for a good visit," he said. "Ultimately, the most important thing of our entire time here is to share the love of Jesus and the message of salvation. That's why we do what we do. ... It's still the same mission of the Army, just a different role for us."
McKibben Jackinsky can be reached at mckibben.jackinsky.@homernews.com.
It has been an honor to serve the Lord and His Salvation Army.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sunday's sermon - Our farewell message to the Homer Corps "Be Careful"
This was a very emotional day as Captain Michelle, Emily, Crystal, and I say farewell as the Corps Officers (pastors) after 8 amazing years here in Homer. May God bless what He has next for Homer, Lt.'s Josephson continuing the work here, and next things for our family in Anchorage.
May God be glorfied.
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
May God be glorfied.
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday's Sermon - Get your hands up! Exodus 17
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Holy Spirit at the Homer Corps today.
Just a quick praise (the sermon will be posted soon)... today duirng a time of singing before the message, the Holy Spirit moved and we had a time of unprompted singing, praying, praising, lifting up voices, crying, and sensing his presence. Several minutes of the pure presence of God encountering his people in pure worship. We know and accpet by faith that God is always there among us and I am not an "emotional" person by nature, so when these special times of the Holy Spirit falling comes, they are precious to me. Thank you God for fallling afresh again, it reminds me that You are the same God who met us here upon our assignment to Homer, and You are not done advancing Your Kingdom. May You continue to move and empower and instruct. May your annointing always be here. May we always be faithful to praise and preach the Name of Jesus and encounter Your Holy Spirit. We serve a Risen Savior! Continue to bless Your Salvation Army for Your Glory!!!
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
New Corps Officers appointed to Homer - Welcome Lt. Jeff & Lt. Michelle Josephson
Hello soldiers, saints, and friends of The Salvation Army - Homer Corps,
For all who haven't heard yet, Michelle and I are being transferred to Anchorage Alaska to oversee youth work for the state. The good news is that God in His providential care has hand chosen the next officers to lead the work in Homer Alaska.
Lieutenants Jeff and Michelle Josephson were appointed this past Sunday to be the corps officers of our corps. We watched them and their boys, Miah & Ryan, (via streaming video) be given the appointment.
We still have little information about them at this time besides what has been noted in the New Frontier magazine in the "meet the cadets" section.
We will pass on more information about them as soon as possible. Until you know more, pray that they will have a smooth transition from the Training College to their new home in Alaska. Pray that they be shielded from any attack that would cause them doubt, fear, or worry. Pray for their ability to hear God's direction as they lead. Pray they will sense the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit as they move into "new things". Finally pray they be filled with boldness to share the gospel with everyone they meet from their first plane ride..... and that their boldness never cease.
We expect God to do even greater things for the Kingdom here in Homer.
Thank you God for those who have gone before us and bless the Bates and the Hoogstads in their ongoing ministry today. God thank you for calling us to what is next. Thank you for calling the Josephsons. Most importantly, although we all play a part, Thank You for making things grow.
Our prayers go out to all the officers and corps in transition.
May God be glorified.
Live holy, preach Jesus.
For all who haven't heard yet, Michelle and I are being transferred to Anchorage Alaska to oversee youth work for the state. The good news is that God in His providential care has hand chosen the next officers to lead the work in Homer Alaska.
Lieutenants Jeff and Michelle Josephson were appointed this past Sunday to be the corps officers of our corps. We watched them and their boys, Miah & Ryan, (via streaming video) be given the appointment.
We still have little information about them at this time besides what has been noted in the New Frontier magazine in the "meet the cadets" section.
We will pass on more information about them as soon as possible. Until you know more, pray that they will have a smooth transition from the Training College to their new home in Alaska. Pray that they be shielded from any attack that would cause them doubt, fear, or worry. Pray for their ability to hear God's direction as they lead. Pray they will sense the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit as they move into "new things". Finally pray they be filled with boldness to share the gospel with everyone they meet from their first plane ride..... and that their boldness never cease.
We expect God to do even greater things for the Kingdom here in Homer.
Thank you God for those who have gone before us and bless the Bates and the Hoogstads in their ongoing ministry today. God thank you for calling us to what is next. Thank you for calling the Josephsons. Most importantly, although we all play a part, Thank You for making things grow.
Our prayers go out to all the officers and corps in transition.
May God be glorified.
Live holy, preach Jesus.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Sunday's sermon - A place called "Bitter"
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Jr. Soldier Enrollment - Cyrstal Thielenhaus
Today on my daughter's 7th birthday we enrolled her as a Jr. Soldier. She has been looking forward to this for months. After completing 6 courses on our church history and more importantly basic lessons on salvation and living for Jesus, she was willing to memorize and make this pledge before God.
I asked her to recite her promise again so we could put it on-line for others to enjoy, and maybe even remember their promises (and vows) they have made before the Lord.
This is an amazing promise to make... may we all hold ourselves to this standard for our Savior Jesus Christ. Our Savior is worth it!
To hear her pledge, just click the play arrow below...
I asked her to recite her promise again so we could put it on-line for others to enjoy, and maybe even remember their promises (and vows) they have made before the Lord.
This is an amazing promise to make... may we all hold ourselves to this standard for our Savior Jesus Christ. Our Savior is worth it!
To hear her pledge, just click the play arrow below...
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday's Sermon - To and through the Red Sea
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sunday's Sermon - Unchanging facts about change
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Receiving Marching Orders / New Appointments
Hello to Soldiers & Friends of The Salvation Army Homer Corps,
For those who haven't heard yet, my wife Michelle and I have been given marching orders and will be transferred to D.Y.S. (Divisional Youth Secretaries) for Alaska. We have about 6 weeks to pack our personal belongings and make arrangements for those coming after us to continue the work in Homer. Our corps here in Homer does not currently have someone appointed to it, so we can assume that we will be getting a new Lieutenant fresh from the College for Officer Training. I believe a fresh set of officers ready to take this community for Jesus, working in conjunction with a corps of soldiers and members of like mind, will make an impact for God's Kingdom. Know that our hearts will always have a special place for this amazing community.
I now would ask you as soldiers and saints to keep our corps family in prayer as they transition to "next things".
I covet your prayers for Michelle and I as we learn a new ministry with a different type of congregation as we will be involved with helping to train up the soldiers of today and tomorrow through camps and support to the field.
Please pray that we would be bold with the gospel as we enter the next phase of our ministry.
I will plan to keep posting for this blog until our transfer (as time allows), and the next officer may continue the site, and I may continue from another, we will see.
My prayer for the Salvation Army as this next phase of new appointments is upon us, is that every "move" and every "stay" will result in a great harvest of souls won to God's Kingdom.
1 Corinthians 3 speaking of following men in positions of earthly leadership says... What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building.
May God Bless His Salvation Army in Homer.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
For those who haven't heard yet, my wife Michelle and I have been given marching orders and will be transferred to D.Y.S. (Divisional Youth Secretaries) for Alaska. We have about 6 weeks to pack our personal belongings and make arrangements for those coming after us to continue the work in Homer. Our corps here in Homer does not currently have someone appointed to it, so we can assume that we will be getting a new Lieutenant fresh from the College for Officer Training. I believe a fresh set of officers ready to take this community for Jesus, working in conjunction with a corps of soldiers and members of like mind, will make an impact for God's Kingdom. Know that our hearts will always have a special place for this amazing community.
I now would ask you as soldiers and saints to keep our corps family in prayer as they transition to "next things".
I covet your prayers for Michelle and I as we learn a new ministry with a different type of congregation as we will be involved with helping to train up the soldiers of today and tomorrow through camps and support to the field.
Please pray that we would be bold with the gospel as we enter the next phase of our ministry.
I will plan to keep posting for this blog until our transfer (as time allows), and the next officer may continue the site, and I may continue from another, we will see.
My prayer for the Salvation Army as this next phase of new appointments is upon us, is that every "move" and every "stay" will result in a great harvest of souls won to God's Kingdom.
1 Corinthians 3 speaking of following men in positions of earthly leadership says... What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building.
May God Bless His Salvation Army in Homer.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sunday's Sermon - A message for the stressed.
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Jr. Soldier warfare prayer
Just a quick blog to brag on what the Lord is doing in my daughter Emily's life.
May every Salvation Soldier be motivated to see everyone they meet come to Jesus Christ.
I recently found this prayer request in the offering plate, (I've changed her friends name below)...
Dear Jesus,
I would like to pray for "Sarah" to come closer to You, and to love you so much she'll brag about you so much it will drive the devil crazy. Amen . Emily
I think that's a pretty good warfare evangelism prayer!
Live holy, preach Jesus!
May every Salvation Soldier be motivated to see everyone they meet come to Jesus Christ.
I recently found this prayer request in the offering plate, (I've changed her friends name below)...
Dear Jesus,
I would like to pray for "Sarah" to come closer to You, and to love you so much she'll brag about you so much it will drive the devil crazy. Amen . Emily
I think that's a pretty good warfare evangelism prayer!
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday's Sermon - Is the sermon done yet?
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
One Lord Sunday Meeting this Sunday
Hello Salvationists, Saints, and Friends of The Salvation Army of Homer,
1st - greetings from all the saints and salvationists who met for the Alaska Congress in Sitka Alaska. Congress was an amazing time, I hope to write more on it later, if not I'm sure it will be mentioned in the New Frontier in coming days.
2nd - Captain Michelle and I are leaving for a memorial service in Kansas and will be gone another week, but the corps programs will continue and God's Army marches on in our absence - and Lord willing in Kansas too. (Please pray for us that we will have chances to share the gospel with people every leg of our trip as well as at the memorial activities).
3rd - Here is the special service announcement. This Sunday is One Lord Sunday when many churches all have a meeting together and agree it's not about our "denominations", it's about Jesus Christ our Risen Savior! This Sunday we will have Sunday School and Bible study early at 9:15 am and the we will join with the believers of Homer at Homer High School at 11:00 am.
Lord willing I will start posting better once we are back from our trip.
We are looking forward to being home at the Corps with you all in another week.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
1st - greetings from all the saints and salvationists who met for the Alaska Congress in Sitka Alaska. Congress was an amazing time, I hope to write more on it later, if not I'm sure it will be mentioned in the New Frontier in coming days.
2nd - Captain Michelle and I are leaving for a memorial service in Kansas and will be gone another week, but the corps programs will continue and God's Army marches on in our absence - and Lord willing in Kansas too. (Please pray for us that we will have chances to share the gospel with people every leg of our trip as well as at the memorial activities).
3rd - Here is the special service announcement. This Sunday is One Lord Sunday when many churches all have a meeting together and agree it's not about our "denominations", it's about Jesus Christ our Risen Savior! This Sunday we will have Sunday School and Bible study early at 9:15 am and the we will join with the believers of Homer at Homer High School at 11:00 am.
Lord willing I will start posting better once we are back from our trip.
We are looking forward to being home at the Corps with you all in another week.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Sunday's Sermon - What if Jesus didn't rise again?
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Western Youth Institute 2009 video testimony
This is a video of a young blind woman who perhaps sees more clearly than I do. This was the high point of WYI for me, not only a great song, but the Spirit moved while she sang and I was brought to tears considering the wonderful love of Jesus.
Listen to her short testimony and her song.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Listen to her short testimony and her song.
WYI09: Paradox - Leslie's Song (11) from SayTV on Vimeo.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday's Sermon - Jesus and the Health Care Bill
If you're reading this on facebook... For this sermon, past sermons, podcasting options, and countless other preachers check out the sermon site at http://sermon.net/The_Salvation_Army_Homer
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sunday's sermon- What to pray when you're at war
If you're reading this on facebook... For this sermon, past sermons, podcasting options, and countless other preachers check out the sermon site at http://sermon.net/The_Salvation_Army_Homer
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Emily's Testimony
Today my daughter Emily (who is 11 years old next month) had her Jr. Soldier renewal day (when she renews her vows to live for God as a Jr. Soldier in The Salvation Army. She asked if she could say something about witnessing, so she gave a short preachamony (part testimony, part preachin'). We had recently talked about the events of Columbine High School and Rachel Scott and what it means to be a Martyr. May this be one of many messages she gives, inside the church, and without!
(If you're reading this on facebook - go to HomerCorps.blogspot.com to listen to her testimony)
(If you're reading this on facebook - go to HomerCorps.blogspot.com to listen to her testimony)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Commissioners Knaggs appointed to succeed Commissioners Swyers - USA West
COMMISSIONERS JAMES AND CAROLYN KNAGGS, officers of the USA Eastern Territory, currently serving as territorial leaders of the Australia Southern Territory, are appointed as territorial leaders of the USA Western Territory. Commissioner James Knaggs is appointed as Territorial Commander, USA Western Territory, and Commissioner Carolyn Knaggs as Territorial President of Women’s Ministries. They will succeed Commissioners Philip and Patricia Swyers who will be retiring from active service.
Here is a link to a short biography on Commissioners Knaggs.
On a personal note I have follwed some of Commissioner James Knaggs messages at different times this past year. Each time I was encouraged that he appeared to be a man of vision and a desire to see Kingdom growth happening in The Salvation Army.
May God bless His Army, and may we bless God as we are obedient to Him in all things, primarily the bold proclamation of the message of salvation found in Jesus Christ alone.
To God be the Glory - and continue to pray for our Army, it's leaders, it's soldiers, & it's mission!
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Here is a link to a short biography on Commissioners Knaggs.
On a personal note I have follwed some of Commissioner James Knaggs messages at different times this past year. Each time I was encouraged that he appeared to be a man of vision and a desire to see Kingdom growth happening in The Salvation Army.
May God bless His Army, and may we bless God as we are obedient to Him in all things, primarily the bold proclamation of the message of salvation found in Jesus Christ alone.
To God be the Glory - and continue to pray for our Army, it's leaders, it's soldiers, & it's mission!
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Junk-mail evangelism - no postage necessary?
Hello all,
Here's a simply evangelism idea I started doing this week. Every time you get one of those annoying junk mail, or credit card offers, just save the envelopes (you know the kind that are no postage necessary).
This week instead of ripping them up, I simply put a gospel tract or two inside, seal it up, (no postage required), and drop it in the mail when I swing by next time.
It's an interesting thought that a company has paid for the United States Postal service to hand deliver a gospel message right into the hands of one of their employees.
It's not near as bold as an open air, or sharing with your friend, family, co-worker, school mate, or stranger you meet during your day (WHICH YOU MUST DO), but it takes just a much time to throw the envelope away, and you never know what God can do with a simple gospel tract opened by the right person, at just the right time.
If companies will spend tons of money to sell you something you don't even need (or want), certainly we can pass on the amazing offer of eternal life through Jesus Christ to someone who is dying to hear it.
Just another way I want to encourage you to share the gospel with everyone you know before Easter! Take the challenge and drop me a line as to how you are doing.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Here's a simply evangelism idea I started doing this week. Every time you get one of those annoying junk mail, or credit card offers, just save the envelopes (you know the kind that are no postage necessary).
This week instead of ripping them up, I simply put a gospel tract or two inside, seal it up, (no postage required), and drop it in the mail when I swing by next time.
It's an interesting thought that a company has paid for the United States Postal service to hand deliver a gospel message right into the hands of one of their employees.
It's not near as bold as an open air, or sharing with your friend, family, co-worker, school mate, or stranger you meet during your day (WHICH YOU MUST DO), but it takes just a much time to throw the envelope away, and you never know what God can do with a simple gospel tract opened by the right person, at just the right time.
If companies will spend tons of money to sell you something you don't even need (or want), certainly we can pass on the amazing offer of eternal life through Jesus Christ to someone who is dying to hear it.
Just another way I want to encourage you to share the gospel with everyone you know before Easter! Take the challenge and drop me a line as to how you are doing.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
This is a test to post to facebook
I am trying to automatically post my blog posts to my facebook account. Thanks for your patience.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Evangelism challenge for LENT
Here's a challenge for you for the lent season....
You could give up something up for lent (40 days from Ash Wednesday this week and continues until Easter Sunday - April 3rd).
You could give up something like fasting from food or a specific thing like coffee, or chocolate, or you could give up television or face book. Of course there's no brownie points just for giving stuff up for God, unless you are redeeming that time or money to put into bettering His Kingdom. Also, of course, if anything is more important than God in your life - it is idolatry, so make sure everything comes after Him.
How about this year for lent, you commit to share the gospel message with absolutely everyone you know before Easter Sunday.
What if you sent everyone on your facebook friends list an email with the gospel message?
What if you told everyone you work with, every family member, everyone you regularly "bump into" the gospel message?
What if you just were obedient to Jesus command to preach the good news to all creation for the next 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday?
What if you determined in your heart, fully dedicated to your Savior from Hell and sin, that you would take every opportunity to start a spiritual conversation with everyone you met?
How many people would you get to share with in the next 40 days?
Everyone you can think of will die and pass into eternity and they will spend it one of two places, heaven or hell, and heaven is only for those who have repented of their sins and placed their trust in Jesus Christ alone.
If you will step out in faith and do it, I challenge you to shoot me an email or a comment and let me know of some of your encounters or conversations.
How about this year instead of just giving something up - although that may be right to do - how about we actually obey the Lord's instructions to "go and be my witnesses"?
Sounds like a Salvationist goal to me.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
You could give up something up for lent (40 days from Ash Wednesday this week and continues until Easter Sunday - April 3rd).
You could give up something like fasting from food or a specific thing like coffee, or chocolate, or you could give up television or face book. Of course there's no brownie points just for giving stuff up for God, unless you are redeeming that time or money to put into bettering His Kingdom. Also, of course, if anything is more important than God in your life - it is idolatry, so make sure everything comes after Him.
How about this year for lent, you commit to share the gospel message with absolutely everyone you know before Easter Sunday.
What if you sent everyone on your facebook friends list an email with the gospel message?
What if you told everyone you work with, every family member, everyone you regularly "bump into" the gospel message?
What if you just were obedient to Jesus command to preach the good news to all creation for the next 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday?
What if you determined in your heart, fully dedicated to your Savior from Hell and sin, that you would take every opportunity to start a spiritual conversation with everyone you met?
How many people would you get to share with in the next 40 days?
Everyone you can think of will die and pass into eternity and they will spend it one of two places, heaven or hell, and heaven is only for those who have repented of their sins and placed their trust in Jesus Christ alone.
If you will step out in faith and do it, I challenge you to shoot me an email or a comment and let me know of some of your encounters or conversations.
How about this year instead of just giving something up - although that may be right to do - how about we actually obey the Lord's instructions to "go and be my witnesses"?
Sounds like a Salvationist goal to me.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Guns for Bibles - From Captain's Blog
Thanks to Captain Rob Reardon - his link is on the left "Captain's Blog". Here is a re-post of his article. God is good!
Salvation Army Helps Tribes in Papua New Guinea Exchange their Guns for Bibles
Wed at 9:17am
TWENTY-SIX years of tribal fighting in a remote region of Papua New Guinea have been brought to a close thanks to a Salvation Army programme that involved warriors swapping their guns for Bibles.
The fighting, which began after an accusation of sorcery, took place between two groups of Zugu, Taro and Tawansaru villages and the Amusa, Tarotu, Fusa and Takaitu villages of Okapa District. Because of the area's remoteness, government authorities, community leaders and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) were unable to bring peace. The only people who could enter the villages were pastors from various churches.
Male children were raised to fight. Mothers were frustrated and saddened by giving birth to baby boys and raising them, only to find that later in life they would take up arms and fight like their fathers. Some even took the drastic step of killing male babies in the hope that this would stop the endless fighting.
In recent years the warring tribes heard about The Salvation Army Community Advancement and Reform Enhancement (CARE PNG) programme operating out of its Misapi outpost. The officer (minister) from Misapi, Captain Michael Hemuno, and CARE field officer Danny Glendumu visited the warring area and raised awareness of the possibility of peace.
In November 2008 The Salvation Army arranged a week-long peace training programme, facilitated by students from Divine Word University. Some 40 men and women leaders from both tribes attended. They all stayed in the same house for seven days and nights, eating, talking and sharing together. It was a challenging test for the beginning of a new era. Active warriors and the most influential Okapian sorcerers were among the group.
The leaders ended the training with a Highlands mumu, symbolising an end to fighting and beginning of peace. This was the start of the peace process involving each tribe deciding whether or not to have peace.
Almost a year later a peace ceremony was held, signifying a final end to the conflict.
Salvation Army leaders travelled to the ceremony by helicopter – the only realistic way to get to such a remote setting. Luggage was very limited so 300 Bibles were delivered by villagers from Misapi via a three-day foot journey.
Guests of honour were Lieut-Colonels Hans (Chief Secretary) and Marja van Vliet. They were accompanied by Major James Cocker (Secretary for Personnel), who had previously walked to the village on another visit, and Major David Temine, the divisional commander in charge of Salvation Army work in this portion of the Highlands.
More than 1,000 people made their way to the ceremony, some travelling for days.
Lieut-Colonel Hans van Vliet told everyone that this was a fresh start for the region, but that laying down weapons and items used in sorcery was not enough. 'You know what tribal warfare is all about. Many relatives have died,' he said. 'Leaders, you are making the promise not only in front of us but also in front of God. You must change within your mind, heart and soul.'
He said the new chapter in their lives should be one of love and care for their neighbors. Then two live pigs were presented, one to each of the warring groups as a token of appreciation for their peace efforts.
During the exchange process, one man accompanied his young son, who was carrying a gun. The man explained with tears in his eyes that he did not want his son to have to use such weapons and live the kind of life he had experienced, but he wanted him to be able to live in peace with other tribes. Both father and son left with a Bible.
Tribal leaders from both factions called on the national and provincial governments to allocate their share of development funds to the three main churches in the area – New Tribes and Lutheran churches and The Salvation Army – with the idea that these could build health centres and schools for the local people.
Thanks Rob, thanks for sharing. God is amazing!
Ephesians 2:13-17 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, 16 and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. 17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near.
Take the message of peace with God through Jesus Christ - to someone at war with Him today!
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Salvation Army Helps Tribes in Papua New Guinea Exchange their Guns for Bibles
Wed at 9:17am
TWENTY-SIX years of tribal fighting in a remote region of Papua New Guinea have been brought to a close thanks to a Salvation Army programme that involved warriors swapping their guns for Bibles.
The fighting, which began after an accusation of sorcery, took place between two groups of Zugu, Taro and Tawansaru villages and the Amusa, Tarotu, Fusa and Takaitu villages of Okapa District. Because of the area's remoteness, government authorities, community leaders and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) were unable to bring peace. The only people who could enter the villages were pastors from various churches.
Male children were raised to fight. Mothers were frustrated and saddened by giving birth to baby boys and raising them, only to find that later in life they would take up arms and fight like their fathers. Some even took the drastic step of killing male babies in the hope that this would stop the endless fighting.
In recent years the warring tribes heard about The Salvation Army Community Advancement and Reform Enhancement (CARE PNG) programme operating out of its Misapi outpost. The officer (minister) from Misapi, Captain Michael Hemuno, and CARE field officer Danny Glendumu visited the warring area and raised awareness of the possibility of peace.
In November 2008 The Salvation Army arranged a week-long peace training programme, facilitated by students from Divine Word University. Some 40 men and women leaders from both tribes attended. They all stayed in the same house for seven days and nights, eating, talking and sharing together. It was a challenging test for the beginning of a new era. Active warriors and the most influential Okapian sorcerers were among the group.
The leaders ended the training with a Highlands mumu, symbolising an end to fighting and beginning of peace. This was the start of the peace process involving each tribe deciding whether or not to have peace.
Almost a year later a peace ceremony was held, signifying a final end to the conflict.
Salvation Army leaders travelled to the ceremony by helicopter – the only realistic way to get to such a remote setting. Luggage was very limited so 300 Bibles were delivered by villagers from Misapi via a three-day foot journey.
Guests of honour were Lieut-Colonels Hans (Chief Secretary) and Marja van Vliet. They were accompanied by Major James Cocker (Secretary for Personnel), who had previously walked to the village on another visit, and Major David Temine, the divisional commander in charge of Salvation Army work in this portion of the Highlands.
More than 1,000 people made their way to the ceremony, some travelling for days.
Lieut-Colonel Hans van Vliet told everyone that this was a fresh start for the region, but that laying down weapons and items used in sorcery was not enough. 'You know what tribal warfare is all about. Many relatives have died,' he said. 'Leaders, you are making the promise not only in front of us but also in front of God. You must change within your mind, heart and soul.'
He said the new chapter in their lives should be one of love and care for their neighbors. Then two live pigs were presented, one to each of the warring groups as a token of appreciation for their peace efforts.
During the exchange process, one man accompanied his young son, who was carrying a gun. The man explained with tears in his eyes that he did not want his son to have to use such weapons and live the kind of life he had experienced, but he wanted him to be able to live in peace with other tribes. Both father and son left with a Bible.
Tribal leaders from both factions called on the national and provincial governments to allocate their share of development funds to the three main churches in the area – New Tribes and Lutheran churches and The Salvation Army – with the idea that these could build health centres and schools for the local people.
Thanks Rob, thanks for sharing. God is amazing!
Ephesians 2:13-17 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, 16 and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. 17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near.
Take the message of peace with God through Jesus Christ - to someone at war with Him today!
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Sunday's Sermon- Footwear for taking a stand
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sunday's Sermon - Do you own a bullet proof vest?
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Don't Cry - He is Risen!
This passed on to me by Captain Rob Reardon via Eric Himes, thanks men!
Although some of the lyrics include the words "don't cry, He is risen" I know that it referred to sorrow, but as I listen I wept with joy, for He is risen indeed!
OH YEAH!!!!! Sidenote - Samuel Ljungblahd is a Salvationist AND he's wearing a SA high collar uniform!!! REPRESENT!!!!
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Although some of the lyrics include the words "don't cry, He is risen" I know that it referred to sorrow, but as I listen I wept with joy, for He is risen indeed!
OH YEAH!!!!! Sidenote - Samuel Ljungblahd is a Salvationist AND he's wearing a SA high collar uniform!!! REPRESENT!!!!
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday's Sermon - Don't forget to buckle up
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Monday, January 18, 2010
No Sunday's Sermon - Just Praises
Hello soldiers, friends of The Salvation Army Homer Corps, and fellow followers of Jesus,
This past Sunday I took some young adults to a youth discipleship retreat and Captain Michelle stayed behind to lead our worship service and holiness meeting. In the end she was led to make it a day of singing, praise, and testimony.
Since everything was a little different we did not get an audio of the day, so join us again next week for our sermon series on the armor of God.
To hear past sermons just visit...
Live holy, preach Jesus!
This past Sunday I took some young adults to a youth discipleship retreat and Captain Michelle stayed behind to lead our worship service and holiness meeting. In the end she was led to make it a day of singing, praise, and testimony.
Since everything was a little different we did not get an audio of the day, so join us again next week for our sermon series on the armor of God.
To hear past sermons just visit...
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Updates on Haiti & The Salvation Army relief
For updates on Haiti please visit....
God please come along side all those who are mourning, hurting, and serving in your Name.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sunday's Sermon - Christianity is a battleground not a playground
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Letter from the General - "Beginnings"
PASTORAL LETTER SEVENTEEN (from the office of the General)
Dear Fellow Salvationists,
Through this first Pastoral Letter of 2010 I greet you warmly in the sacred name of Jesus. In these opening weeks of the New Year I lift you up to God in prayer. May the Divine Presence be very real to each one of you at this time of new beginnings. May you sense the Lord's nearness day by day, moment by moment.
The theme of this 17th Pastoral Letter is 'Beginnings'.
Another year is a gift from God to each of us. The very newness of it causes us to pause and take stock of our lives. It is good to do this from time to time.
We can, first of all, cast a backward glance over our shoulders to review the year that has just closed. Can you see the gracious hand of the Lord in it: in the things that have happened in your life, and in the events impacting the lives of your loved ones and friends? It is a time to pause and give thanks to Almighty God for his promised presence with us through all the days of 2009. He has been there in the good and in the bad times. He has seen us through. He has been faithful.
Next we look ahead. It is a very great mercy that the future is veiled. This prompts our hearts to reach out still further to God as consciously we put our trust in him for the unknown days ahead. A time of new beginnings is a time also for new trust.
Let us find a quiet moment in which to tell the Lord that we do indeed love and trust him. It is a very great help to our souls to do this deliberately, with full intentionality. This quiet moment of rededication will become perhaps a source of great strength, of great grace, in the days ahead. Let it be a renewing of your love for God, a renewing of your devotion, a renewing of your willingness to serve him and to be seen and known by all as his disciple.
Then having placed our lives afresh before him in this manner, we can place our loved ones again into his loving care and protection.
For example, how good it is to pray for one's spouse, to speak aloud the name of a husband or a wife in prayer. The best marriages, marriages that endure, are built on such foundations. How helpful it is when a husband and wife can sit quietly together to pray aloud for each other and for the whole family circle. It is especially important to do this at a time of new beginnings and before the gentle, calm blessedness of Christmas has faded.
How good it is also to pray for one's children, naming them aloud before the Throne of Grace. God hears these prayers. They are never wasted. God's ear is inclined toward those who seek his guidance and protection for their children. Christian parents often make such prayers, as do Christian grandparents and Christian aunts and uncles. I say again: these prayers are never wasted.
This season of new beginnings allows us to place before the Lord also the hopes we have in our hearts concerning our daily work. Many of you reading this are Salvation Army officers making plans for the spiritual advancement of those you lead and those you serve in Christ's name. I say to you, 'May God bless those plans, those sacred ambitions for the souls of others.'
Many of you are local officers in the Army, holding sacred hopes that 2010 will see your service more fruitful for God than ever before. I join you in that good hope and I share the Spirit-prompted ambitions for your Kingdom-work.
I know also that many of you have influence over our young people in the Army. God bless you for that! I pray that you will be guided in all things by the Holy Spirit and that you will be given wisdom to lead many a young person into a new beginning with God.
Finally, I request that you continue to pray for me as we enter 2010. I need your prayers. Please pray for wisdom from God to be my portion, and also for physical strength to be granted day by day.
Commissioner Helen Clifton joins me in greeting you as we commend you each one to the matchless love of the Saviour.
God be with you.
Yours in Christ
Shaw Clifton
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Dear Fellow Salvationists,
Through this first Pastoral Letter of 2010 I greet you warmly in the sacred name of Jesus. In these opening weeks of the New Year I lift you up to God in prayer. May the Divine Presence be very real to each one of you at this time of new beginnings. May you sense the Lord's nearness day by day, moment by moment.
The theme of this 17th Pastoral Letter is 'Beginnings'.
Another year is a gift from God to each of us. The very newness of it causes us to pause and take stock of our lives. It is good to do this from time to time.
We can, first of all, cast a backward glance over our shoulders to review the year that has just closed. Can you see the gracious hand of the Lord in it: in the things that have happened in your life, and in the events impacting the lives of your loved ones and friends? It is a time to pause and give thanks to Almighty God for his promised presence with us through all the days of 2009. He has been there in the good and in the bad times. He has seen us through. He has been faithful.
Next we look ahead. It is a very great mercy that the future is veiled. This prompts our hearts to reach out still further to God as consciously we put our trust in him for the unknown days ahead. A time of new beginnings is a time also for new trust.
Let us find a quiet moment in which to tell the Lord that we do indeed love and trust him. It is a very great help to our souls to do this deliberately, with full intentionality. This quiet moment of rededication will become perhaps a source of great strength, of great grace, in the days ahead. Let it be a renewing of your love for God, a renewing of your devotion, a renewing of your willingness to serve him and to be seen and known by all as his disciple.
Then having placed our lives afresh before him in this manner, we can place our loved ones again into his loving care and protection.
For example, how good it is to pray for one's spouse, to speak aloud the name of a husband or a wife in prayer. The best marriages, marriages that endure, are built on such foundations. How helpful it is when a husband and wife can sit quietly together to pray aloud for each other and for the whole family circle. It is especially important to do this at a time of new beginnings and before the gentle, calm blessedness of Christmas has faded.
How good it is also to pray for one's children, naming them aloud before the Throne of Grace. God hears these prayers. They are never wasted. God's ear is inclined toward those who seek his guidance and protection for their children. Christian parents often make such prayers, as do Christian grandparents and Christian aunts and uncles. I say again: these prayers are never wasted.
This season of new beginnings allows us to place before the Lord also the hopes we have in our hearts concerning our daily work. Many of you reading this are Salvation Army officers making plans for the spiritual advancement of those you lead and those you serve in Christ's name. I say to you, 'May God bless those plans, those sacred ambitions for the souls of others.'
Many of you are local officers in the Army, holding sacred hopes that 2010 will see your service more fruitful for God than ever before. I join you in that good hope and I share the Spirit-prompted ambitions for your Kingdom-work.
I know also that many of you have influence over our young people in the Army. God bless you for that! I pray that you will be guided in all things by the Holy Spirit and that you will be given wisdom to lead many a young person into a new beginning with God.
Finally, I request that you continue to pray for me as we enter 2010. I need your prayers. Please pray for wisdom from God to be my portion, and also for physical strength to be granted day by day.
Commissioner Helen Clifton joins me in greeting you as we commend you each one to the matchless love of the Saviour.
God be with you.
Yours in Christ
Shaw Clifton
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Sunday's Sermon - New Year's resolutions from the wisest man who ever lived.
To listen to Sunday's sermon now, just click the play arrow here.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Reading your Bible Facts... not enough time?
Did you know it takes very little time in God's Word each day to read it through each year.
· If you read 1 chapter each weekday (m-f) you will read the whole New Testament in one year
· If you read just 2 chapters a day you would read all of the New Testament, Proverbs, and the entire book of Psalms in one year
· If you committed 3 chapters a day a day and 5 on Sundays, you will read the the whole bible through completely every year
· If you will give God and yourself the privilege of 4 chapters a day, you could read all of the Bible through as well as either the Psalms or the whole New Testament a second time, EACH YEAR.
God has written out instructions for you to govern your life by, has advice for everything relating to life and godliness, speaks to all situations, and promises that if you apply it you cannot help but be blessed. MAKE TIME FOR HIS WORD THIS YEAR.
Some Bible trivia - the middle Chapter of the bible is Psalm 118 (there are 1189 chapters in the Bible). Psalm 118 is after 117 (which is the shortest chapter in the Bible) and is before 119 (which is the longest chapter in the Bible).
The middle verse of the Bible is Psalms 118:8 which reads... It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.
Enjoy God's Word this year!
Live holy, preach Jesus!
· If you read 1 chapter each weekday (m-f) you will read the whole New Testament in one year
· If you read just 2 chapters a day you would read all of the New Testament, Proverbs, and the entire book of Psalms in one year
· If you committed 3 chapters a day a day and 5 on Sundays, you will read the the whole bible through completely every year
· If you will give God and yourself the privilege of 4 chapters a day, you could read all of the Bible through as well as either the Psalms or the whole New Testament a second time, EACH YEAR.
God has written out instructions for you to govern your life by, has advice for everything relating to life and godliness, speaks to all situations, and promises that if you apply it you cannot help but be blessed. MAKE TIME FOR HIS WORD THIS YEAR.
Some Bible trivia - the middle Chapter of the bible is Psalm 118 (there are 1189 chapters in the Bible). Psalm 118 is after 117 (which is the shortest chapter in the Bible) and is before 119 (which is the longest chapter in the Bible).
The middle verse of the Bible is Psalms 118:8 which reads... It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.
Enjoy God's Word this year!
Live holy, preach Jesus!
Quote by J.C. Ryle passed on by my friend Bryan Lowe...
Amidst the flood of dangerous reading, I plead for my Master's book, I call upon you not to forget the book of the soul. Do not let newspapers, novels, and romances be read, while the prophets and Apostles be despised. Do not let the exciting and sensual swallow up your attention, while the edifying and the sanctifying can find no place in your mind. --J.C. Ryle
It's a new year - pick a bible reading plan - Any bible reading plan - and start reading daily to do whatever you read.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
It's a new year - pick a bible reading plan - Any bible reading plan - and start reading daily to do whatever you read.
Live holy, preach Jesus!
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